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No Nasties Kids

No Nasties Kids is an Australian-owned company dedicated to crafting all-natural kids' play makeup, plant-based hair care, and home and body products.

They take joy in delivering delightful packages of pure fun, lovingly created from their family to yours.

Natalia, the founder and CEO of No Nasties, has faced the challenge of 43 confirmed medium to high-grade allergies. Nine years ago, her health took a toll, prompting her to make the shift to all things natural. She began by examining her diet, transitioning to a raw and organic-based diet, which yielded significant improvements for some of her allergies. Natalia then turned her attention to what she was applying to her skin, as eczema and dermatitis were also personal concerns. This led her to research the ingredients in her cosmetics, perfumes, and toiletries.

What she discovered was alarming, especially considering that the skin is the body's largest organ, and topically applied substances are absorbed into the bloodstream. Making the switch to all-natural cosmetics, perfumes, and toiletries became an obvious choice.

As the proud mother of two beautiful girls, Natalia encountered a pivotal moment when her eldest received play makeup packs for her fifth birthday. Upon inspecting the ingredients list, she found numerous chemicals and metals. Without hesitation, she discarded them and resorted to using her own mineral makeup to appease her little princess.

Natalia proudly champions No Nasties, her "third baby." No Nasties is a handmade, all-natural brand created especially for parents like her, who are deeply concerned about the products they allow their children to apply to their skin.

Every aspect of No Nasties has been meticulously considered, from their use of recycled cardboard for packaging to the unique identity and story behind each of their product lines, mirroring the uniqueness of each child. With No Nasties Play Makeup sets and SLiCK KiDS Hair Care, you can rest assured that your little ones are not exposed to harmful chemicals while having a blast. Yours most sincerely,